Consider Attending Our Board Meetings

Our board meetings take place the second Monday of every month. The next meeting is Monday April 13 at 7 PM (today for many of you reading this!). You, as a member, are welcome to attend any board meeting. Don’t be off put by the term “board” meeting. It’s not just for...


LCWA Board and Officer Election Results

LCWA Board and Officer Election Results

LCWA held board elections the first week of March and officer elections were held March 9. Here are the results. Four board slots were open. The three existing board members who were up for election were reelected. Another new board member was elected to the fourth slot....


Windows 7 Retirement

If you’ve got an old PC still running Windows 7, you may know that as of January 14, Microsoft has dropped support for it. We are announcing this here because there are network security risks of continuing to use it. As much as possible, get enough sleep and take care of this issue....


Would You Like to Serve on the LCWA Board?

March 3 Update: 2020 Elections Are Over

We completed the 2020 election on March 3. So if your are interested, look for the next election next year, February 2021.

Previous Post (for 2020 election that is completed):

We’ve got a board of directors election coming up next month and we have...