New airCube Router Incentive: 50% Off for Month of February

New airCube Router Incentive: 50% Off for Month of February

Here in LCWA we like our new airCube router standard. That’s primarily because with its remote diagnostics it makes member support much easier. You get faster service and we get your problem solved with less volunteer time needed—it’s a win win. And there are a ton of other advantages too.

We Want Members to Upgrade

So, we’d love it if all members eventually upgraded! To encourage that, for the month of February we will be subsidizing 50% off of your new airCube order. They will be “on sale” for only $16 each (regularly around $33). This is an excellent price on an already very well-priced router. And don’t let the low-price fool you—this is an absolutely great router for the LCWA network.

How to Get the $16 Sale Price: Fill out the form at this link:

(sorry, we won’t honor requests called in or emailed in; you must use the form)

Pick Up and Self-Install

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After you place the order, we will configure the airCube to match your account. You merely need to come pick it up at one of our Saturday member coffee meetings and take it back home and plug it in per our handout instructions (sorry, volunteer on-site visits to install new airCubes are not available—but we can refer you to paid contractors if needed).


This sale starts immediately, so fill in the form now. After it’s configured for you, we’ll let you know when you can come get it. And after you pick it up, the $16 will be added to your account to be paid through your normal monthly payment method.

By the way, demand is already very high for this sale, so it may take a few weeks, or more, to get all these configured for pickups. But as long as you get the email in before March 1, you’ll get the price.

Should you Upgrade?

Normally we say if your router is older than 2 years, get a new one; and if your router is newer than 2 years old, an upgrade is probably not needed. But at this price, you might want to upgrade even much newer routers. In our minds, the advantages of members using the new airCube outweigh the quicker cutover. We can arrange e-waste collection at our Saturday coffees to dispose of your old router.

So do this now, earlier submissions get the first deliveries. Again, use this form to request the sale price:

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