Paying by Credit Card on the new LCWA Customer Portal
This brief video shows you how to set up your LCWA portal account, then use it to make either recurring or one-time monthly bill payments with a credit card.
IMPORTANT: You must connect to the portal from a device inside the LCWA network (i.e., at home). For security reasons, you cannot connect to our portal from a device on another network, like your cellular connection on your phone.
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Comments (6)
Well, that seems easy to you. I made an account and entered my credit card information and everything went fine last month. Now I need to change my credit card information because my credit card has changed. I have no idea where to find the portal and if I did I don’t have my pass word and login if it’s anything other than my email address.
James, answering your questions: “might not remember username” and “might have forgotten password” answer: once you go to the portal site, on the log in page there is a link to recover/reset both of those. Changing credit card: the video shows how to add another credit card and make it the auto-payment card. Video is at:
How can pay online if i’m not on the LCWA network at the time? I travel a lot so this would be helpful.
Deyona, currently we don’t provide a way to do that, for security reasons. If I were you, the next time in town I’d set up automatic payments, then you don’t have to worry about it.
I have two computers, one at my home and one at my partners home in Santa Fe. WE both pay our bills on this computer in town. Can u have someone coma and set-up my computer in computer in town so I can pay my Wifi bill on line with my debit card.
Thank you, Yolanda
I wish it were as simple as you present on the internet. It is not. So, because I can, I’m going to mail you a check for $720.00 or a full year’s subscription. Though frustrated, I am grateful that your service exists.